Actions Related to Implementation and Amendment of the Commercial Linkage Fee Ordinance.
(a) Approve an ordinance amending Chapter 5.11 of Title 5 of the San José Municipal Code, Commercial Linkage Fee to:
(1) Modify the payment timing to building permit and scheduling of final building inspection; and
(2) Add credits for constructing new affordable housing units or restricting market rate units as affordable housing and associated definitions.
(b) Adopt a resolution amending the 2021-2022 Schedule of Fees and Charges (Resolution No. 72737, as amended) to add the Commercial Linkage Fee and make certain changes thereto superseding Resolution No. 79705 to:
(1) Modify options for payment to provide a deferred payment option for Office and Industrial / research and development projects of 100,000 square feet or more including installments after the scheduling of the final building inspection;
(2) Provide a 20% discount to the fee amount when the fee is paid full at or prior to building permit issuance;
(3) Add the credit for constructing or restricting new affordable housing units; and
(4) Increase the maximum square footage for exemption of non-residential office buildings to 50,000 square feet.
(c) Direct staff to return in the fall of 2027 with a comprehensive review of the program including the amount of fees collected and an analysis of the effectiveness of the deferred payment option.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-009, Staff Reports, Assessments, Annual Reports, and Informational Memos that involve no approvals of any City action; and File No. PP17-008, General Procedure and Policy Making resulting in no changes to the physical environment. (Housing/ Economic Development and Cultural Affairs/Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)