GP21-009 and C21-008 - General Plan Amendment and Conforming Rezoning for Certain Real Property Located on 1500 Berger Drive.
(a) Adopt a resolution amending the Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan Land Use/Transportation Diagram Land Use Designation from Heavy Industrial to Light Industrial on an approximately 0.68-gross acre site located on 1500 Berger Drive.
(b) Approve an ordinance rezoning certain real property located on the east side of Berger Drive approximately 400 feet north of Gish Road (1500 Berger Drive) from the HI Heavy Industrial Zoning District to the LI Light Industrial Zoning District.
CEQA: Categorical Exemption under CEQA Guidelines section 15301 for Existing Facilities. Planning Commission recommends approval 10-0-1 (Cantrell absent). Council District 3. (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)