Request for Informational Memorandum on Actions to Protect San José Residents from Harms Proposed by Incoming U.S. Presidential Administration. (Ortiz, Campos, Cohen, and Candelas)
1. Direct the Office of Racial and Social Equity and the Office of Administration, Policy, and Intergovernmental Relations to provide the City Council with an informational memorandum detailing:
a. Existing efforts and options to preserve and strengthen the Rapid Response Network and possible actions to expand its reach into the most vulnerable communities in the City;
b. Initial activity and additional options, as appropriate for public disclosure, that the City Administration is undertaking or could undertake to protect the rights of all San José residents in the face of ongoing threats from the incoming presidential administration.
2. Direct the City Manager to prepare a Manager’s Budget Addendum outlining additional funding needed to provide communities with legal assistance and other support services, along with options to strengthen the City’s response.
3. Return to the City Council with a resolution reaffirming the City’s commitment to preserving the safety and dignity of all its residents, regardless of national origin or legal status:
a. Add the draft resolution of the City Council of the City of San José protecting the rights and safety of immigrant communities to the City Council Agenda.
b. Authorize the City Attorney’s Office to make such formatting and non-substantive changes and additions as it deems appropriate or necessary.
4. Direct the City Manager to coordinate the above efforts with the on-going efforts of the County of Santa Clara, including the Office of the County Executive, County Counsel and Office of Immigrant Relations, and relevant community stakeholders, including the Rapid Response Network.