Actions Related to the Amendment of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance.
(a) Accept the staff report.
(b) Approve an ordinance amending Chapter 5.08 of Title 5 of the San José Municipal Code, Inclusionary Housing, to modify and add definitions, compliance options and affordable housing requirements.
(c) Adopt a resolution amending the 2020-2021 Schedule of Fees and Charges (Resolution No. 72737, as amended) to modify and establish amounts for the compliance options in Sections 5.08.520 and 5.08.525 of Chapter 5.08 of Title 5 of the San José Municipal Code.
(d) Adopt a resolution defining geographical areas for use as market areas in connection with Chapter 5.08 of Title 5 of the San José Municipal Code and designating certain areas as Strong Market areas.
CEQA: Not a Project. File No. PP17-009, Staff Reports, Assessments, Annual Reports, and Informational Memos that involve no approvals of any City action; and File No. PP17-008, General Procedure and Policy Making resulting in no changes to the physical environment. (Housing)