Final Adoption of Ordinances.
(a) Ordinance No. 30702 - An Ordinance of the City of San José Establishing and Declaring the Boundaries of the City Council Districts Using 2020 Federal Census Data. [Redistricting]
[Passed for Publication on 12/14/2021 - Item 3.4(b) (21-2545)]
(b) Ordinance No. 30703 - An Ordinance of the City of San José Granting a Commercial Solid Waste and Recyclables Collection Franchise to Hayward Transfer Station.
[Passed for Publication on 12/14/2021 - Item 6.1(b) (21-2568)]
(c) Ordinance No. 30707 - An Ordinance of the City of San José Adding a New Part 8 to Chapter 20.30 of Title 20 of the San José Municipal Code to Implement Senate Bill 9 to Allow for Additional Density in Single-Family Neighborhoods.
[Passed for Publication on 12/14/2021 - Item 10.5(b) (21-2570)]