GPT20-005 - City-initiated General Plan Text Amendment to Update Policy H-2.9 with Objective Standards and Make Clarifying Revisions to the Neighborhood/Community Commercial Land Use Designation.
Adopt a resolution approving the General Plan Text Amendment to revise Policy H-2.9 in Chapter 4 and the Neighborhood/Community Commercial land use designation in Chapter 5 of the Envision San José 2040 General Plan.
CEQA: Determination of Consistency with the Envision San José 2040 General Plan Final Program Environmental Impact Report (Resolution No. 76041) and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report to the Envision San José General Plan Final Program Environmental Impact Report (Resolution No. 77617) and Addenda thereto. Planning Commission recommends approval (6-0-1; Bonilla absent) (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)