Burbank No. 47 - Ordering the Annexation of Certain Real Property Located at 560 Bascom Avenue.
Adopt a resolution ordering the annexation of the territory designated as Burbank No. 47, which involves the annexation to the City of San José of approximately 1.31 gross acres from Santa Clara County unincorporated territory located on the east side of South Bascom Avenue between Basile Avenue and Parkmoor Avenue (APNs 277-29-044 and 277-29-044) and portions of Basile Avenue and South Bascom Avenue, and the detachment of the same from the appropriate special districts, including Central Fire Protection District, Valley Water, Santa Clara County Lighting District, Santa Clara County Library District, and Burbank Sanitary District.
CEQA: Determination of Consistency with Envision San José 2040 General Plan Final Program EIR, Resolution No. 76041, and Addendum thereto. Council District 6. (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement)
[Deferred from 3/14/2023 - Item 10.1(a) (23-369)]