Second Substantial Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan to Report the Updates to the HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program Allocation Awarded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to the City of San José.
(a) Hold a public hearing to allow for public comment on the Second Substantial Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan.
(b) Adopt a resolution relating to the following actions regarding a Second Substantial Amendment to the existing Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan to report on the HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program Allocation Plan using HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program allocation funding awarded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to the City of San José:
(1) Approve the changes relating to the Second Substantial Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan to apply to the HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program Allocation Plan; and
(2) Authorize the Housing Department to submit the Second Substantial Amendment to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(c) Adopt a resolution authorizing the Housing Director, or his designee, to negotiate and execute agreements for the following tenant-based rental assistance programs in which these services will begin during Fiscal Year 2024-2025:
(1) County of Santa Clara’s Office of Supportive Housing for Rental Assistance for the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program in an amount not to exceed $7,500,000 from February 1, 2025 through June 30, 2030.
(2) County of Santa Clara’s Office of Supportive Housing for Supportive Services for the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program in an amount not to exceed $2,424,884 from February 1, 2025 through June 30, 2030.
(3) County of Santa Clara’s Office of Supportive Housing for the Administration of the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 from February 1, 2025 through June 30, 2030.
(d) Adopt the following Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Appropriation Ordinance amendments in the HOME Investment Partnership Program Fund:
(1) Decrease the Supportive Services appropriation to the Housing Department by $3,000,000;
(2) Decrease the Housing Project Reserves by $1,751,450; and
(3) Increase the Tenant Based Rental Assistance appropriation to the Housing Department by $4,751,450.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-004, Government Funding Mechanism or Fiscal Activity with no commitment to a specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment, and File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. (Housing/City Manager)