Report on Request for Proposal for As-Required Broadband, Wireless, and Cellular Equipment and Services.
Accept the report on the Request for Proposal and adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to:
(a) Negotiate and execute agreements with World Wide Technology, LLC (St. Louis, MO) and SmartWave Technologies, LLC (Suwanee, GA) for as-required broadband point-to-point and point-to-multipoint equipment and services (Package A) for an initial one-year term ending June 30, 2023, five one-year options to extend the agreements through June 30, 2028, and a maximum aggregate compensation not to exceed $320,000 during the initial one-year term, subject to the appropriation of funds;
(b) Negotiate and execute purchase orders with World Wide Technology, LLC (St. Louis, MO), SmartWave Technologies, LLC (Suwanee, GA), Netsync Network Solutions (Long Beach, CA), and InterVision Systems, LLC (Santa Clara, CA) for as-required wireless broadband long-term evolution cellular routing for remote wide area network equipment and services (Package B) for an initial one-year term ending June 30, 2023, five one-year options to extend the term of the purchase orders through June 30, 2028, and a maximum aggregate compensation not to exceed $75,000 during the initial one-year term, subject to the appropriation of funds;
(c) Negotiate and execute agreements with Netsync Network Solutions (Long Beach, CA) and SmartWave Technologies, LLC (Suwanee, GA) for as-required wireless radio frequency and cellular coverage for facilities equipment and services (Package C) for an initial one-year term ending June 30, 2023, five one-year options to extend the agreements through June 30, 2028, and a maximum aggregate compensation not to exceed $240,000 during the initial one-year term, subject to the appropriation of funds; and
(d) Negotiate and execute amendments and change orders for all agreements and purchase orders as required to address changes in the City’s broadband needs and reallocate funding between providers within each package, consistent with the procurement and the City’s standard terms and conditions, subject to the appropriation of funds.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. (Finance)