Actions Related to the Emergency Interim Housing Project at Cherry Avenue.
(a) Adopt a resolution:
(1) Ratifying the City Manager’s authorization to execute a Collaborative Use Agreement with the Santa Clara Valley Water District allowing for an emergency interim shelter/housing community on the District’s Cherry Avenue property;
(2) Authorizing the City Manager, or her designee, to negotiate and execute all related necessary agreements:
(i) Supporting the State of California and Santa Clara Valley Water District in their efforts to fund portions of the project and to implement the requirements of the Collaborative Use Agreement; and
(ii) Exercising any option period(s), amendments or agreements to extend the term of the Collaborative Use Agreement under substantially similar terms;
(3) Determining the City may award a Project Delivery Agreement to DignityMoves to deliver the Emergency Interim Housing project at Cherry Avenue without a competitive procurement under the “idle act” exception in Section 1217(i)(6) of the City of San José Charter;
(4) Authorizing the Director of Public Works to negotiate, award and execute a Project Delivery Agreement at a maximum guaranteed amount not to exceed $15,000,000 for the development of an Emergency Interim Housing project at Cherry Avenue with DignityMoves, in accordance with the requirements of the staff memorandum and subject to the appropriation of funds; and
(5) Authorizing the Director of Public Works to approve a 10% contingency for the project.
(b) Adopt the following 2024-2025 Appropriation Ordinance Amendments in the Real Property Transfer Tax Fund:
(1) Decrease the Interim Housing Construction and Operations (15% Homeless Support Programs) appropriation to the Housing Department by $1,000,000; and
(2) Increase the Interim Housing - Cherry appropriation to the Public Works Department by $1,000,000.
(c) Adopt the following 2024-2025 Appropriation Ordinance Amendments in the General Fund:
(1) Decrease the Emergency Housing - Emergency Housing Construction and Operation City-wide Expenses appropriation to the Housing Department by $1,000,000;
(2) Decrease the Interim Housing Construction and Operation City-wide Expenses appropriation to the Housing Department by $1,350,000; and
(3) Establish the Interim Housing - Cherry Capital Improvements appropriation to the Public Works Department in the amount of $2,350,000.
CEQA: File No. ER24-015, Determination of Consistency with the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Emergency Interim Housing Programs project (File No. ER22-198, Resolution No. 2023-380). Council District 9 (Public Works/Housing/City Manager)