Agreement with N. Harris Computer Corporation for the Upgrade of the CIS Infinity Utility Billing System.
(a) Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager or her designee to:
(1) Negotiate and execute an agreement for the Customer Information System (CIS) Infinity Utility Billing System Upgrade with N. Harris Computer Corporation, doing business as Advanced Utility Systems (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) for an initial two-year term, beginning on or about December 1, 2024, and ending on or about November 30, 2026, or as may be adjusted to align with the software subscription term, with a maximum compensation not to exceed $1,211,865, subject to the appropriation of funds;
(2) Negotiate and execute change orders as required for any unanticipated changes to the agreement with Advanced Utility Systems not to exceed a total amount of $175,000 during the initial term, subject to the appropriation of funds; and
(3) Exercise up to nine additional one-year options to extend the term through November 30, 2035, or as may be adjusted to align with the software subscription term, subject to the appropriation of funds.
(b) Adopt the following 2024-2025 Appropriation Ordinance amendments in the Integrated Waste Management Fund:
(1) Increase the Non/Personal Equipment Appropriation to the Environmental Services Department by $318,979; and
(2) Decrease the Ending Fund Balance by $318,979.
(c) Adopt the following 2024-2025 Appropriation Ordinance amendments in the Sewer Service and Use Charge Fund:
(1) Increase the Non/Personal Equipment Appropriation to the Environmental Services Department by $221,898; and
(2) Decrease the Ending Fund Balance by $221,898.
(d) Adopt the following 2024-2025 Appropriation Ordinance amendments in the Storm Sewer Operating Fund:
(1) Increase the Non/Personal Equipment Appropriation to the Environmental Services Department by $208,030; and
(2) Decrease the Ending Fund Balance by $208,030.
(e) Adopt the following 2024-2025 Appropriation Ordinance amendments in the Water Utility Fund:
(1) Increase the Non/Personal Equipment Appropriation to the Environmental Services Department by $637,958; and
(2) Decrease the Ending Fund Balance by $637,958.
CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. (Finance/Environmental Services/City Manager)