San Jose Ca.Gov
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/21/2025 1:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Study Session - Code Enforcement Operations
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Draft Minutes Draft Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #Agenda NoteTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
      Please scroll to the end for information about the City Council Agenda and for the Rules of Conduct of the meeting.   Not available Not available
      Public Comment in Person Only   Not available Not available
      For live translations in over 50 languages, please go to   Not available Not available
      American Disability Act   Not available Not available
      To request an alternative format agenda under the Americans with Disabilities Act for City-sponsored meetings, events or printer materials, please call (408) 535-1260 as soon as possible, but at least three business days before the meeting.   Not available Not available
      Accommodations   Not available Not available
      Any member of the public who needs accommodations should email the ADA Coordinator at or by calling (408) 535-8430. The ADA Coordinator will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to provide as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. • Adaptaciones para discapacitados serán proporcionadas a pedido. Mande correo electrónico; Llame (408) 535-8430 • Nhu câ`u cho ngu?i khuy?t t?t du?c cung c?p theo yêu c?u. Email; G?i (408) 535-8430   Not available Not available
      THE LEVINE ACT   Not available Not available
      The Levine Act requires a Party in a Proceeding before the City of San José that involves any action related to their contract, license, permit, or use entitlement to disclose any campaign contributions to City elected or appointed officials totaling more than $250 within the 12 months prior to the City decision. A Participant to a Proceeding may voluntarily report a campaign contribution.    Not available Not available
      How to observe the Meeting (no public comment):    Not available Not available
      1) Cable Channel 26. 2) 3) 4) By Phone: (888) 475 4499. Webinar ID is 915 5718 2016. Alternative phone numbers are: US: +1 (213) 338-8477 or +1 (408) 638-0968 or (877) 853-5257 (Toll Free). 5) Online at: Use a current, up-to-date browser: Chrome 30+, Firefox 27+, Microsoft Edge 12+, Safari 7+. Certain functionality may be disabled in older browsers including Internet Explorer.   Not available Not available
      How to submit written Public Comment before the City Council Meeting:    Not available Not available
      By email to by 3:00 p.m. the day before of the meeting. Those emails will be attached to the Council Item under “Letters from the Public.” Please identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of your email.    Not available Not available
      How to provide spoken Public Comment during the City Council Meeting:    Not available Not available
      You may speak to the City Council about any discussion item that is on the agenda, and you may also speak during Open Forum on items that are not on the agenda and are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. Please be advised that, by law, the City Council is unable to discuss or take action on issues presented during Open Forum. According to State Law (the Brown Act) items must first be noticed on the agenda before any discussion or action. Each speaker generally has two minutes to speak per item. The total amount of time allocated for public testimony for each public speakers or for an agenda item may be limited at the Mayor’s discretion, depending on the number of speakers or the length of the agenda. (California Government Code Section 54954.3; Council Policy 0-37) Fill out a Yellow Speaker’s Card and submit it to boxes at the bottom of the Chambers. Do this before the meeting or before the item is heard. This will ensure that the name on the card is called for the item(s) that you wish to address, and it will help ensure the meeting runs smoothly for al   Not available Not available
      Agendas, Staff Reports and some associated documents for City Council items may be viewed on the Internet at Council Meetings are televised live and rebroadcast on Channel 26.   Not available Not available
     Call to Order and Roll Call   Not available Not available
   1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.  - Study Session - Code Enforcement Operations 200 East Santa Clara Street, Council Chambers, City Hall   Not available Not available
      CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION   Not available Not available
      Purpose:   Not available Not available
      Provide City Council a comprehensive overview of the Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement Department’s Code Enforcement Division operations and functions.   Not available Not available
      Outcome:   Not available Not available
      City Council will: (a) Have a comprehensive understanding of the Code Enforcement Division, including its structure, functions, scope, and programs, and history. (b) Gain insight into the enforcement process, tools, and the Code Enforcement Division’s role of intervention in the continuum of prevention, intervention, and restoration. (c) Have a renewed perspective of service delivery challenges and potential opportunities to streamline, prioritize, and/or invest in improving code enforcement operations.   Not available Not available
25-065 1  Study SessionCode Enforcement Operations Study Session   Not available Not available
   1.  Comprehensive Overview of the Code Enforcement Division    Not available Not available
   2.  Code Enforcement Process and Enforcement Tools   Not available Not available
   3.  Reengineering for Operational Improvements   Not available Not available
   4.  Operational Assessment and Next Steps   Not available Not available
     Public Comment   Not available Not available
     Adjournment   Not available Not available